Projects We Love: Tiny Cuicui

Tiny CuiCui Project By Adrien Fauconnet - Project located at Hackaday.IO
Build an Electronic Bird that Sings When the Sun Comes Up.

I love birds! At my house I have feeders next to my windows where I work on projects. When the winter comes the bird population dwindles in the winter which led me to search for a birdsongs online. You know how you start out researching an idea and before you know it something unexpected pops up? That’s exactly how I discovered this great project by Adrien Fauconnet called the Tiny Cuicui.

The Tiny Cuicui is an electronic bird that sings in the morning as the Sun comes up. Wow! I love the Internet. I had no idea before searching on it that I would find exactly what I wanted, and even better yet, something I can build myself!

This project is a perfect build for the BadgerBox and is quick to mockup and test! Based on the ATtiny85 Microcontroller and a handful of electronic components. Adrien tells the tale of a build that begins with his following ( Mohit Bhoite. If you haven’t checked out his Instagram account go there right now and follow him. You will not regret it!

Like most hacker projects one good idea leads to another. And as the idea brews, external influences
lead you to modify the concept and then eventually build it out. We love this idea and think
you will as well. Please the read the rest of the story over at his project page:

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